Winter Tips for a Safe Season for Seniors
Winter with it’s snow, sleet, ice and cold temperatures can be a treacherous time for anyone, but it can be especially dangerous for the elderly. Below are some tips to ensure that you and your loved ones are prepared for this difficult season.
Avoid Slick Surfaces
Winter can make for difficult walking conditions and the chances of a fall increase for the elderly during the winter months. Whenever possible, be sure to stay off icy or snowy surfaces. If you or your loved ones must leave home be sure to wear footwear that has sufficient traction. Once back inside it’s best to remove wet shoes to lessen the likelihood of a slip and fall on tile and the like.
Illness and the Flu
The winter typically sees an increase in sickness which includes the flu virus which can be dangerous especially for older people. Since seniors are more susceptible to illness due to compromised immune systems, they should make every effort to get a flu shot before or early in the flu season. Increased hand washing should take place during flu season to prevent the spreading of germs, but be sure that harsh soaps are not used as this can dry out skin and cause painful irritation.
Dangerous Driving Conditions
Winter can deliver difficult driving conditions for the young and old alike. If at all possible, the elderly should not drive in snowy or icy conditions. But this is not alway possible. Before winter arrives, ensure vehicles are fully operational. Also add blankets, food and water to an easily accessible location inside the car, should the vehicle become disabled.
Isolation and Depression
During the winter it can be difficult for seniors to get out of their homes. Often times this means less contact with others. This can have an effect on the elderly’s psyche and result in depression or the feeling of isolation. To try and combat these feelings by calling or visiting more frequently. Increased contact will help battle these low feelings and if anything will help you to know that your loved ones are safe and happy.
We realize life is busy and that is why we are here. We can help with the care of your loved ones during the difficult and long winter months. With more than 17 years in business, we have set the standard for excellence within the in-home and senior care industry. Reach out to us today to hear more on how we can help.